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StereoMorph User Guide

These tutorial pages will show you how to use the StereoMorph R package to collect 3D shape data from a stereo camera or video setup. This includes instructions for installation of StereoMorph, making a checkerboard, measuring a checkerboard's square size, camera calibration, digitizing photographs and video frames, 3D reconstruction, shape reflection and alignment, and video frame extraction.

  1. Getting started
  2. Choosing cameras
  3. Creating a checkerboard
  4. Arranging the cameras
  5. Calibrating stereo cameras
  6. Photographing objects
  7. StereoMorph digitizing application
  8. 3D reconstruction
  9. Visualizing shape data
  10. Reflect missing bilateral landmarks
  11. Aligning bilateral landmarks
  12. Additional features
  13. Citing StereoMorph
  14. Acknowledgements