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13 Citing StereoMorph

The StereoMorph R package and its associated digitizing app are the result of several years of work. I am pleased to offer the software open-source and free of charge and hope that users find it useful and that it brings about interesting, fruitful and fun advances for biologists and non-biologists alike. I only ask that if you use StereoMorph and share your results that you include a citation. For peer-reviewed publications, please cite the following article:

  • Olsen, A.M. and M.W. Westneat. 2015. StereoMorph: an R package for the collection of 3D landmarks and curves using a stereo camera set-up. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 6:351-356. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12326.